Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Too much time on my hands...

I really don't have too much time on my hands, but I am feeling anxious, like I should be doing more to prepare for Nora. Even though her arrival is still many months out, it feels so much closer now.

I bought a book (at Borders, of course) over the weekend. It's called Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten and was written by a neurologist. It is fascinating.

We also received a phone call from our agency on Monday and a "Waiting Families Support Packet" from them tonight. The support packet is wonderful - it talks about the logistics of match day, travel arrangements, attachment... 20+ pages of really useful information, all new to us. I've already read it twice and will probably print off a hard copy to read tomorrow.

Oh, and we're resuming Mandarin lessons. This time we're taking a community ed class with my friend and co-worker "J" and her DH. Nicole will be our teacher again, which is great. Our previous dropout had everything to do with our lack of discipline and nothing at all to do with Nicole. We're excited, we're hopeful and I've had enough caffeine to make me feel like I can accomplish anything.

The New Year's resolution about Diet Coke. Let's pretend I never said anything about that.


Anonymous said...

You know I have been feeling the same way! It's crazy this wait time. It's going by so slow but then it goes by fast enough that I don't feel like I will get everything done that I need to do.

J said...

How exciting to get "travel" information from your agency. I agree it's starting to feel like this just may happen. You only have 3 months (and a few days) worth of LIDs ahead of you. Woo Hoo. It's going to get exciting real soon. Sorry to hear the diet coke resolution is not going so well. Diet Coke resolution? What Diet Coke resolution? How's that?