Monday, May 01, 2006

January DTC Cybershower

Tonight was the first cybershower for the January DTC group. Kathy was our cyber-shopper and she sent the most amazing, generous gift - two outfits, a snuggly pink velour blanket, a butterfly dish, a stuffed bear in a ladybug suit, a package of outlet covers (much needed - we have many more outlets than any normal house and not a single outlet cover!) and an "I Love My Mommy" bib. I think that I'm going to need to go get some "I Love My Daddy" stuff for Rob's Father's Day gift! :)

Be sure to take a close look at the green gingham dress on the left - it has ladybug appliques and BLOOMERS! It's just precious!

Thank you again, Kathy! You're such a sweetheart. And Maddie wants me to thank you for the tasty tissue paper.