Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Worries... and some hope

I've been reading some of the blogs of adult Korean adoptees and growing more and more concerned about my ability to make the right choices for Nora. I want her to know and appreciate her Chinese heritage, but I'm not Chinese. How do I do this? We've joined the FCC. We have a few Chinese friends (not adoptees, people who either live in China or have moved here from China as adults). Reading some of these blogs, though, I feel like even observing someone to be Chinese makes me a racist.

I was just about at my wits end, when arrives - seemingly from nowhere - an email from a co-worker who tells me that she has heard (from another coworker) that we are adopting a child from China. She goes on to tell me that she was adopted from Korea. Even better, she is actively involved with one of the local adoption agencies and is a mentor to other Korean adoptees. She is willing to share her experiences. We are going to have lunch and talk. I feel really lucky to have met her!

1 comment:

J said...

One of the bad things about this wait is that we can do so much more reading/research. I too have been freaked out by reading articles/books by adult adoptees. So glad that you have connected with someone that will help answer some of your questions. I ran into a friend from work who has a 20 year old daughter adopted from Korea. Robbie is more than happy to come and talk to our adoption support group. Also, her daughter found (and met) her birth family this past Summer. I think this would be another great topic for our forum.