Sunday, December 31, 2006

The best $0.67 I've ever spent

It has been grey and dreary here all week. So dreary that I need to be sure to get out every day or I start to feel down. Today was especially drizzly and nasty so we went to the second happiest place on earth (I've have said happiest, but thought that Disney might have some sort of license over that claim) - Borders!

There is a promotion this week of 3-for-2 Dr. Seuss books and I still had ~$15 left of my "holiday reward dollars", so while Rob copped a free read of Popular Science, I headed back to the children's section to pick out 3 Dr. Seuss books for Nora. The regular, standard issue Dr. Seuss books were all $8.99 and I decided on Fox in Socks, Green Eggs and Ham and There's a Wocket in my Pocket. I'd have liked to have gotten Horton Hears a Who and The Lorax, but they were out of those two.

Anyway, it turns out that deals can be combined and I had a personal shopping day (10% off) that expired today, so I got all three books for $0.63 plus tax, for a total of $0.67. I kid you not, here's the receipt. I saved $20.34 (or, as I prefer to think of it, 97% off)!!

How often do you get to buy something great with pocket change?!

By the way, I think the 3-for-2 sale is good through tomorrow. If you need some silly rhymes, check it out!

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