Friday, December 22, 2006

New CCAA Rules

The China Centre of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) has released the long awaited new rules for intercountry adoption from China. You can read the new rules here, on the Rumor Queen's site.

The most notable changes are:
  • Married M-F couples only
  • Net worth must exceed $80K and income must come from stable employment (so even if we win the Powerball we need to keep working to qualify for Nora's Mei Mei)
  • BMI must be less than 40 (30 is considered obese according to CDC guidelines, so I'm thinking that 40 is pretty heavy -- at 5'5", for example, I could weigh up to 240 lbs)
I guess you can't argue that the CCAA is trying to select the most stable homes possible, in the most objective way possible, but my heart goes out to everyone who is affected by the new regulations.

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