Sunday, February 04, 2007

This breaks my heart - please help

...but I know that I am a good dog and I just want to go home.
I'm sure by now everyone has seen the Pedigree adoption drive commercial. If you haven't, you can view it here. This is a truly outstanding commercial - I cry every time I see it (Rob would tell you that "cry" is an understatement, I SOB), but more importantly it has moved me to action.
I went to Pedigree's website and donated food to a shelter near our home (only $9.99 for each 22lb bag of Pedigree and they match donations if you order through their site!). And now I'm telling you, so you can do the same. Or, if you'd prefer, you can also donate to the ASPCA or the Humane Society of the United States. I wanted to adopt a shelter dog, but have been told that three pets is enough for now.
I should probably add that Maddie does not eat commercial kibble. We lost our two previous dogs to cancer and after doing some research I concluded that it was not the most healthful choice for Maddie. It is a convenient, economical option for a shelter situation, though, and I give Pedigree a lot of credit for their efforts in this area.

1 comment:

Ava's family said...

That commercial just breaks my heart. We just rescued our 4th dog from the pound in December. My husband took blankets to a local shelter yesterday and found out they don't even have the funds to purchase a washer/dryer to wash the blankets....I'll be working on changing that.