Monday, March 17, 2008

Blogging in China

Have any of you had any experience using Blogger while in China? I've heard from a few people that it doesn't work at all, but then I've seen a couple of people use it with some success (good success posting, limited success with photos, no success with video).

I would really like to use this blog to post updates while we're in China, but I don't want to create headaches for myself either. I realize that we'll be busy and, obviously, Nora will be our first priority. If blogging is going to be a big headache or eat up a bunch of time, then I don't want to mess with it. Our best other alternative is our little-used family website, but that requires that I publish updates via FTP and I don't know if that will work either.

Any words of wisdom? If neither of these will work, what about one of the commercial sites like BabySites or JourneytoMe? I really would like to avoid creating a personal Yahoo! group or emailing to someone else to post on my behalf. I know that both of those would work, but the way I see it, this is my problem and I don't want to create any difficulties for anyone else.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions! I also emailed our agency this evening - if I learn anything from them I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

We are in China now and one of the families with us are techies. They told us to sign up for a free AOL account (email) on the computer you plan on using. When you want to look at blogs, sign into AOL and do your searches that way. We have had no problems viewing blogs this way!

Rydley said...

I've heard the same thing about blogger. We used myadoptionwebsite without issue. To update their site you can just send an e-mail with attachments.

A way to get around the blogger problem is to do the same thing: send e-mails with photo attachments to a friend here who then accesses your blogger account and updates the site. You may or may not be able to see the updated site from your location, but at least people can follow your journey.

(Just be prepared that it may take a while to send photos - ours took about 20 minutes per photo in some places).

You're almost there! Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Maybe email what you want posted back to someone stateside and have them post it to the blog for you.

Our referrals our coming SOON!
Michelle M
LID 1/13/06

Anonymous said...

I know Vietnam isn't like China but I had no problem posting to but since the internet was super slow it took sometimed forever to post photos. Otherwise another family used blogger and they were hit and miss on if they could post or not.