Sunday, July 16, 2006

Some thoughts on surviving the wait

I think that the worst part about the wait is the lack of control. I felt this to some degree while waiting for our home study and then while waiting for the I-171H, but this is much worse. Probably because the wait is so much longer and real information is so scarce.

Wait time rumors abound, but we're trying hard not to get too caught up in that. I admit to checking the Rumor Queen at least once a day and to stalking CCAI's website waiting for the monthly newsletter (expected tomorrow!), but I also try to tell myself that the process takes however long it takes and in the end we will be matched with the child that we were meant to have.

It also helps to stay really busy. In addition to our Mandarin Chinese language classes, I am taking a sewing class and Rob is taking Aikido. We've connected with a couple of local Chinese adoption groups as well. This afternoon we went to a local FCC new members gathering and I am thinking of volunteering for some FCC committee work. It just doesn't feel right to participate in activities without putting something back in. I also feel strongly about being able to provide Nora with positive interactions with other Chinese people, both adopted and not. Anything that helps establish those connections is a good thing.

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