Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lots of ladybugs... so where the heck is Nora??

Thank you SP for the great box of ladybug stuff! It's a ladybug board book, a plush ladybug book, a duck in ladybug rain gear, a ladybug sun catcher ... that's a bunch of ladybugs. Ladybugs are supposed to bring referrals, so what gives?? ;) SP, I agree with what you said in your note. I don't think that ladybugs have any special power either, but they do make me think of Nora. You know I love books and that sun catcher is going to look awesome in my kitchen window. I would put it in Nora's room, but she's got shutters.

On another ladybug note, today we received the new Young Explorers catalog (what can I say, I buy a lot of educational gifts for our nieces and nephews) and it had this:

Apparently I can now grow my own lucky ladybugs. Heh, heh, heh!

P.S. SP, thank you also for the pet treats. Maddie could use some zen. If our pet store had those, I'd have absolutely bought them just for the box. She (Maddie), btw, loves those little cat treats. We had the bottle on the counter and she keeps looking at it. Cat treats must smell really good to her. Poor Abby is going to have to keep an eye on them.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hi Jennifer - you will LOVE your Ladybug Land! I have one that I used with my class two years ago during our life cycles unit (which is NOT a part of our new state standards - bummer!). It is facinating to watch them change from larva to ladybugs. Have fun!
