Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dangerous toys

This afternoon I received the following email from Consumer Reports magazine:

Dear Jennifer,

Consumer Reports testers just identified high levels of lead in a toy blood pressure cuff, part of a Fisher-Price kid's "medical kit."

Every week, stores pull more toys off the shelves for excessive lead: toy garden tools, toy boats, Sesame Street's Elmo, Dora the Explorer, Winnie-the-Pooh play sets and more!

Holiday shopping starts soon, yet we have a long way to go before we can trust the safety of the items we want to buy for our friends and family.

Send a message urging your members of Congress to hold manufacturers, importers and retailers accountable for the safety of their products.

More than 20 million toys have been recalled this year, alone! More dangerous, imported products may be sitting on store shelves. Worse yet, in our homes. Come this holiday season, will unsafe toys be caught before they are bought?

Too long, we have relied primarily on recalls to get dangerous products off the market, but shouldn't corporations make sure the toys they manufacture overseas are safe before they arrive in our local stores?

Click here to join us in sending a message urging Congress to keep Americans safe this holiday season.

Once you've sent your letter, please forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to join you and thousands of others!

Thank you for your help in protecting consumers from these dangerous products.


Jim Guest
President Consumers Union of the U.S.
101 Truman Ave.
Yonkers, NY 10703

Please take a moment to support this very important cause. If you don't want to write your own letter, there is a form at http://www.notinmycart.org/ that you can use to send a standard letter to your representatives in Congress.

Thank you!!!

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