Sunday, September 30, 2007

The baby care packing challenge!

Well, it's the end of the month and time to post this month's Packing List Challenge. This is a cross-post of my entry over there. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!!

This was a really hard challenge for me - I didn't know anything about most of this stuff. Please let me know what I've missed or if you have any other comments about the list - Thanks!!

- antibacterial dish soap
- sink stopper
- Rubbermaid container for wash bin
- nipple brush
- tongs for swishing nipples in hot water
- bibs (2 - 1 in backpack)
- disposable bibs
- 2 8-oz Playtex drop in nursers
- 6-8 Playtex fast flow silicone nipples
- 120-150 Playtex drop in liners
- snack bowls w/lids
- spoons and forks
- teething feeder (I got the Sassy one because it had a cover)
- extra mesh bags for teething feeder
- formula bags -or- twist ties for drop in liners -or- powdered formula dispenser
- thermos (in backpack)
- cheerios *buy later*
- rice cereal *buy later*
- goldfish *buy later*
- biscuits *buy later*
- powdered electrolyte *buy later*
- formula (n/a - agency provides first bag, we'll buy more in China and transition to US formula at home)
- Rubbermaid canister for formula (I've heard that Chinese formula comes in bags and gets all over the place unless you transfer to another container)
- scoop for formula do I need this?
- funnel for formula do I need this?
- plastic measuring cup *still need*
- pacifiers (4 - 2 in backpack)
- sippy cup do I need this? won't she be taking a bottle?
- 3 burp cloths
- Huggies size 3 diapers - enough for a few days, buy more in China does this seem like the right size? may buy some size 2 when we know her size
- Huggies Natural Care wipes (5 - 40 ct soft packs)
- swim diapers
- diaper disposal bags
- Aveeno diaper rash cream
- California Baby baby wash
- California Baby baby lotion
- Burt's Bees Baby Bee apricot massage oil
- changing pad (in backpack)
- disposable changing pads
- disposable wash cloths
- baby comb and hairbrush
- baby nail clippers
- baby nail scissors
- baby toothbrush
Nora's Clothing:
- hat (in backpack)
- 1 pair shoes (probably white tennies - to keep baby safe from the clothing police until we can go shopping)
- swimsuit
- 5 sleepers *still need*
- 5 outfits
- 1 sweater
- 1 hooded jacket
- 5-10 pair socks *still need*
- stacking cups
- Baby Einstein Mirror Me board book
- Snuggle Puppy board book
- soft photo album w/family photos
- lovey (in backpack)
- inflatable safari roller
- Taggies bucket buddies
- Haba rattle
- plastic keys
- beach ball
- anti-bacterial wipes
- table cloth for floor play *still need*
- outlet covers
- night light

It was probably smart to do this before the luggage challenge -- I've learned something about the size of bags I'll be needing! If anyone has any suggestions for how I can pare back, please let me know!!


J said...

Oh my, this is going to be interesting. Good topic for discussion with Lynn. We didn't do the formula thing with B so I'm a newbie on this one as well. No need for the nail scissors, nail clippers do the trick. There you go, I lightened your load by one item. (:

J said...

One other suggestion, go with A&D diaper cream. It is awesome. I'm not sure why, but it works so much better than all the rest.