Friday, September 07, 2007

buy any good diapers lately?

This month's packing list challenge is baby "stuff" to take to China. Diapers are one of the things on my list, so I've been looking. Are any of you familiar with g diapers? I found them this evening as I was searching for diapers that didn't have cartoon characters all over them. The idea is appealing to me. I don't like the idea of filling up the landfills with disposable diapers, but I don't think that I'm up for cloth either. These seem like a happy medium - a reusable cloth outer pant with biodegradable liners. I'm wondering how well they work... if you know, please share!! Thanks!!

1 comment:

Snugglebug Mama said...

A while ago Good Morning America did a story on these diapers - at least it was the same type of diaper - so check out their website.

The person doing the story said that they are the Hybrid of diapers. I seem to recall them saying something about maybe having to tear the liner apart to flush it, but I also think that if you just toss them they breakdown very quickly.