Saturday, December 15, 2007

Weird dream

I don't often remember my dreams, but when I do they are always doozies. Last night I dreamed that we were at a dinner party and the match coordinator from our agency called me over and very quietly asked, "We're wondering if you'd be willing to accept a referral of triplets?" She said that the CCAA had two sets of triplets available for adoption but no one ever mentions triplets in their dossier and they didn't know what to do. Apparently they asked our agency to check if they had any families who would accept triplets and for some reason the match coordinator just happened to be at our dinner party 930 miles from their office and decided to ask us. Of course I said yes, didn't even check with Rob. Triplets. Wow, that would be quite the surprise.

I blame Rob's work party for keeping me up too late and making me talk about the adoption all evening.


J said...

Triplets, wouldn't that be a wild trip to China. It's a good thing that you invited Rob's whole family along on the trip. You would need all hands on deck. If there is a follow on dream to this one you must post.

NorasMommy said...

And last night I dreamed that I was driving my family plus one guy from work to dinner in my Volvo wagon. I don't drive a Volvo, but the brand placement in my dream was excellent.