Saturday, February 16, 2008

Feeling ... great!

February 16, 2008 - our 25 month LID-iversary. I wonder how many more of these we'll have - 3? 4? more?

I can't explain what has changed this past month, but the wait feels different to me now. We just completed our third (last?) home study update, so that bit of stress is behind us. We're working on care packages for this month's Packing List Challenge. It feels like we're getting closer to Nora. I'm beginning to feather our nest and savor each moment of preparation. This is great! Sort of makes up for the first 24 really long months of waiting.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hey Jennifer and Rob... I've been lurking around your blog since the beginning. We are sending positive wishes!

Tracy and Muriel.