Tuesday, February 12, 2008

When?? (or "How gullible do you think I am?")

I've been saying for a while that we expect our referral in June 2008. I really believe June is our month. If we're very lucky maybe May, but I think that's a longshot.

Today on Rumor Queen, though -- Holy smokes!!

Bad, Mid and Good case scenarios all have us in April!

I would so love for this to be true - a referral in April would mean travel in May or June. We'd travel before it gets too hot and Nora and I could spend the summer at the beach while I'm on leave. That would be wonderful.

Problem is, I don't believe it. I don't think that they'll match all the way to Jan 5 in March. I still think June is our month...

1 comment:

J said...

I almost had a bird when we "almost" made the chart !!! I'm afraid that the combo of CNY and the really bad weather in Southern China is going to affect the numbers next month, but I think May is a real possibility for you guys !!! Whoo Hoo !!! And where does that leave us? Yes, you guessed it smack in the middle of the Olympics !!! What a drag !!