Saturday, August 04, 2007


I am always super-productive when Rob is out of town. I have trouble sleeping when he's not here, so my usual strategy is to get myself so exhausted that I have no choice. The main activity this week (aside from work, of course) was Nora's quilt and I am very happy to say that THE QUILT TOP IS DONE!!!!
It had been my intention to add a 3" border outside of the pieced border, but the fabric I'd previously purchased for that project looked too busy with the quilt. So, I went to my local quilt shop this morning to get the advice of their resident quilt genius. She told me that she wouldn't put another border on it because no matter what it was it would either clash or detract from the quilt. She said she'd just leave it as is and bind. Less work for me, right? Well it would have been if I hadn't asked my next question: "What would you bind it with?" Her response was: "Scraps - do you have more?". Do I have more - HA! So now I will be spending my afternoon piecing a skazillion more scraps for the binding.

During this process I also decided that I no longer liked my previously purchased backing fabric, so I bought some striped (quilter's) flannel to use instead (see below). Won't that look great with the pieced binding? I'm thinking of having it quilted in green thread.

Since this is almost done, I've started washing my fabric for the crib quilt. I can start that now, right?


Unknown said...

oh my gosh, this is just beautiful!

Alyson and Ford said...

You did a great job! Great to see the progress. Now if I can just get motivated to start cutting my squares.....

LID 01/27/06

Snugglebug Mama said...

So, so cute! I don't even have mine done yet...good for you!

Gail said...

What a Beautiful Quilt!
Great Job!!
I still need to get my 2 done!